How to Change Language in GIMP When Language Doesn't Change in GIMP or Problem with Adding Russian Language

  How to change the GIMP language? The GIMP language can be easily changed by opening the GIMP interface and going to edit menu > settings > interface > language and selecting the GIMP language to use in the interface before continuing to edit the image with simple features like drawing straight lines in GIMP‌ or more advanced features , such as batch resizing an image with GIMP. GIMP: change language in menu settings Below is a detailed guide on how to change the GIMP language. Change GIMP language detailed steps Start by opening the GIMP interface and going to the Edit menu, which will bring up the Settings submenu. How to change the GIMP language? : Setting submenu in edit menu Settings submenu in edit menu Then, after going to the GIMP settings, open the "Interface" screen, which contains the language option in the drop-down menu. How to change the GIMP language? : Language dropdown in interface settings menu Language drop-down in the interface settings menu In t

What is Azure Data Studio

 What is Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio is a free, open-source, cross-platform tool for working with Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Azure Data Studio is based on Visual Studio Code and is focused on SQL developers, since the main purpose of Azure Data Studio is writing, editing and executing SQL queries, in other words, it is an SQL code editor.

Azure Data Studio allows you to work with Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Azure, and other DBMS, such as PostgreSQL